Thursday, October 21, 2010

Makayla's end of year Preschool program

Makayla's last day of Preschool in June 2010

Here are some pictures from Makayla's last day of Preschool at Calvary Christian School in June of 2010! She loves her school, friends and Miss Liz, she learned so much in preschool it makes her mommy so proud. They did a little end of year program for all the parents! So until next year, that will be her last year of Preschool and then it's off to Kindergarden!
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Mommy's Birthday and Memorial Day Weekend Camping

So April included Mommy's 31st B-day and then came camping for Memorial Day Weekend at the North Fork of the CDA River at Kit Price campground. We have camped there for 4 years now, the kids love riding bikes, playing in the dirt and river and the guys go and enjoy wade fishing the river and this year Todd figured out a way to bring the raft to float the river as well. We also hike up to the waterfalls every year, it is always so beautiful and peaceful to hike up into something so amazing that God created!
Here is a collage of some of the pictures from April and May of 2010!
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Catching up

Wow I am so incredibly behind it's not even funny! Well life is always busy in the Hickman household and I need to be better about sitting down and blogging more often. To remember all the fun and cute things that the kids do everyday! So to catch up from last time we have missed Easter and all the fun camping trips we did this year. So to start I will go with pictures from Easter, the girls had matching dresses this year, so cute! They loved finding all the eggs and of course eating candy from the Easter Bunny!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Videos of Makayla snow skiing

Video's of Makayla's first time skiing and then another video to show her improvement at the end of the ski trip!!! Way to go Makayla, we are so proud of you and Love you so much!!

Love Mommy, Daddy and Madison

Our Ski Vacation at Schweitzer Mtn. in Sandpoint Idaho

So we bid on a week ski in/ski out condo at a Land's Council auction back in April 2009 and we finally deceided to go up and use it on President's Day week up at Schweitzer mountain. Makayla was so excited to finally learn how to ski like all her friends. Daddy learned quickly how exhausting it is teaching a child to ski especially snow plowing backwards and fowards for a long time. He never thought it would of been so hard, but Makayla learned and that's all that matters!! So we packed up the truck and headed up for mountain for 6 days and had G & G Hickman come up a few days so Mommy and Daddy could ski the big mountain. What a wonderful and fun vacation we had together as a family!!!

Our last day before we headed home back to reality!!

Makayla and Daddy heading out right from the condo

All the kids enjoying the snow since we never got any in Spokane this year~

Makayla learning to ski with our friend Lori Ullman

The girls all geared up and ready to hit the mountain!!!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Makayla's Soccer and Snow Tubing Day

Well we asked Makayla what sport she would really like to start in Jan. and guess what she picked Soccer, that is something we put her in at a young age and she has really enjoyed it. Here is from the first day of Soccer already showing her stuff and just had so much fun!!!

Here is her coach showing her an easier way to stand the cones up with her feet!!

A picture of my Soccer Star smiling cuz she's so happy to be doing what she loves!!!

We took Makayla up to Mt. Spokane's new tubing hill with some of her friends Brevin and Rhyan Harris and she had a complete blast. You tube down the hill and then the toe rope brings you back up. By the end of the 3 hours she had it figured out and didn't really need Mom and Dad's help anymore. She keeps asking when we can go back up. We are going to start her in Snow skiing this year as well. She should get lots of practice when we go and stay up at Schweitzer for President's Day week at a condo.

Daddy with Rhyan and Makayla

Rhyan, Makayla and Brevin
(when both the girls got out of the vehicle we saw that they matched outfits)
Too funny they were easy to find though!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Other Fun Christmas events

Makayla's 1st Christmas Program at Preschool
(they made cookies for us and she then decorated them after the program)

Makayla singing in the microphone

Makayla and Grandma Gale's gingerbread house they made together!!!

Our annual trip out to the North Pole with the Harris Family to go see SANTA!!!

The girls went to go see Santa and Madison wanted nothing to do with sitting on his lap, but all thru the holidays she would say SANTA and always point him out!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas 2009

Christmas and the start of a brand NEW YEAR 2010~
Well we had a great Christmas here at the Hickman household. We started our events with Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Hickman's, then off to Christmas Eve service at Redemeer this year and ended at Greg and Donna's for the evening. They kids were so excited and all Madison could talk about was SANTA. The girls of course got spoiled rotten from their G and G Hickman and Auntie and Uncle Hickman. Bob actually made the girls a M and M Theater for them to put on a puppet show. Wow they both love it so much! Then came Christmas Day and all Makayla wanted from Santa was a Yo-Yo wow she is so easy. They both had a great Christmas from Santa, Mommy and Daddy and then Grandma and Grandpa Gale came over in the afternoon and once again they got spoiled from them as well, lots of cute clothes, toys and personalizied ornaments that Grandma does every year for them. Makayla got a real makeup kit from her Auntie Jaclyn and Uncle Brandon that she actually screamed when she opened it she was so EXCITED!!!!

We ended our festivites with a light meal that included Ham, Potatoes Romanoff, salad, rice and Christmas cookies for dessert!! What a wonderful and Healthy Christmas that we all had together as a family. We look foward to what the New Year will be bringing us!!